In the CRM, appointment time and appointment reminder must reflect agent's timezone. If it does, agent needs to check your Google calendar/Outlook which is connected to the CRM.
When a lead credit is approved or denied, you will receive a confirmation email and text. The moment you receive it also means that the lead from your CRM will be deleted, and the lead credit will come soon within 24 hrs.
We require 5 state minimum when ordering leads except with Hot Leads order.
I totally understand, unfortunately you can only go live with a minimum of 5 states in your lead orders.
It will take 24-48 hours for you to receive your virtual card.
If you just got the lead on that time then it will send out immediately since they requested to be contacted immediately in the form they filled out. But their 2nd day in the automation that's when the CRM will follow the 8am - 10pm your timezone trigger
If it's a virtual phone number you can try calling it first using your CRM to make sure the phone number provider allows it to receive a call from the CRM if not it's best to use a mobile number
We require a minimum of 5 states to order Level Up Leads
Your leads under contacts will follow your CRM location timezone. You will nee to change the timezone manually if you wish to.
Not at all. Client will receive appointmnet reminders based on the timezone they have book or you have booked for them
Yes, there are 2 Sams. That is intentional.
No. You can definitely call/engage with the lead as soon as it gets into your CRM. 5-7 or 30 days is the day they want the payment out but you can still call and run the appointment as soon as you receive the lead.
Our leads are real time. Yes, you may receive leads in the middle of the night and the campaign will be sent. However the voicedrop won't be sent to clients until 9am. If you order leads around 8pm, tendency is that you will get your lead order before 10pm which means the leads will have campaigns going out.
Morning or afternoon then you can work on dials from late afternoon to evening.